
Visual studio code collapse all folds
Visual studio code collapse all folds

The keyboard shortcut to fold all regions at a precise level excluding the current cursor position is:

visual studio code collapse all folds

What’s the Hot Key to Collapse a Particular Level in the Code? The keyboard short cut to fold the innermost expanded region at the current cursor position is: What’s the Hot Key to Collapse the Deepest Region? The keyboard short cut to collapse all code in VS is: Additional FAQ What’s the Hot Key for Collapse All in VS Code? To expand the results just click on the expand/collapse toggle button again. the number of matches is displayed to the right of each file name. This will display the search result file name only. To collapse the search results in VS code, use the toggle expand/collapse icon found towards the top-right of the search area. Mac: ⌘K ⌘J How to Collapse All in VS Code?

visual studio code collapse all folds

  • Enter command >fold all block comments and hit enter.
  • visual studio code collapse all folds

    To fold all the documentation comments in your code: Mac: ⌘K ⌘J How to Collapse All Comments in VS Code? Enter command >unfold all and hit enter.To unfold all the XML nodes in your code: How to Collapse All XML Nodes in VS Code?

    Visual studio code collapse all folds